Brainteaselava - more than Escape Room is rated 3 out of 5 in the category entertainment. Read and write reviews about Brainteaselava - more than Escape Room. SK: Potrebujete utužiť kolektív, zlepšiť spoluprácu v tíme, či jednoducho chcete zamestnancov odmeniť teambuildingom na ktorý budú ešte dlho spomínať? Vyskúšajte teambuildingové aktivity od Brainteaselavy. Stabilne pripravené máme obľubené hry Escape Room, City Game a Mystery Dinner v Bratislave a Banskej Štiavnici, okrem toho ponúkame tiež rôzne iné teambuildingové aktivity šité priamo na mieru klienta po celom Slovensku. Viac informácii nájdete na EN: Do you want to improve teamwork of your employees or communication in your team or you just want to reward your employees with team building they will never forget? Try Team building activities from Brainteaselava. Escape Rooms, City Games and Mystery Dinner are daily operated games in Bratislava and Banská Štiavnica. We also offer other teambuilding activities customized for needs of individual client. You can find more info at
Company size
1-10 employees