Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Galéria Nedbalka
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Bratislava, Slovakia
Christopher Walker
Everything about this place was just wonderful. I absolutely loved the layout of the place, with each level built around an open view of the levels be...
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Slovak National Gallery
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Юля Сліпенчук
Nice gallery. It is worth to visit it. You can see three different exhibitions. Also there are book shop (especially books about art and photography) ...
Gallery Multium
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Bratislava-Hrad, Slovakia
Konstantin Chistyakov
Small but impressive museum, with 6 rooms where illusions expect you. Unusual effects of mirrors and light making each room kinda magical. Especially,...
Archima Ltd. - Ing. Arch. Peter Marcinko
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Prešov, Slovakia
Paulus Ernest
Orava Gallery - Slanica Island Of Art
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Námestovo, Slovakia
Stanislav Hrádela
Interesting place accessible only by ship. I recommend to take a ship from Harbor 2 as you dont need to pay for access to island compared to harbor 1....
Galéria Ilusia
Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
Jana Ottingerova
Nicely spent one hour. Clear instructions, helpful staff. Taking photos recommended. Socks available. Fun with kids of all ages.
Liptovská Galéria Petra Michala Bohúňa V Liptovskom Mikuláši
Alena Maarová Ostrovská
Nice gallery which right now (summer 2018) is showing an exhibition of glass sculptures by Ján Zoričák called Windows to Universe. Definetly something...
Saris Gallery In Prešov
Kamil Pekar
Its nice presented good building warm welcome
Caraffova Väznica
Uršula Ambrušová
Caraffova väznica v Prešove. Budova postavená v rokoch 1504 – 1509 dostala pomenovanie počas tzv. Prešovských krvavých jatiek v roku 1687, kedy na zá...
Vysoké Tatry-Starý Smokovec, Slovakia
Jan Simak
Absolutely exciting experience, couldn't even imagine what it would be like. Furthermore, staff was very polite and helpful. Really nice way to spend ...
Vysoké Tatry-Tatranská Polianka, Slovakia
Gabriela Krizovska
They have a new mascot to make tourists enjoy their lovely treat. It ia a Husky dog puppy to cuddle and fall in love with. Highly recommended and infe...
Ikony - Stála Expozícia Originálnych Ikon
Žilina, Slovakia
Ikony Zilina
Krásna výstava nádherných originálnych ikon. Treba vidiet.
Tabačka Kulturfabrik
Košice, Slovakia
Tabacka belongs to our top 5 cultural centres in Slovakia. Excellent concept connecting all kind of occasional events, savory street food and great ne...
Orava Gallery
Dolný Kubín, Slovakia
B.M. H.
Do not miss out if you have an opportunity to stop by. There are well-curated expositions year-round. Fabulous permanent collection. You can immerse i...
Galéria Kolomana Sokola
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Petra Valaskova
Oplatí sa určite navštíviť. Mili personál, pani nám porozprávala veľa o Kolomanovi Sokolovi. Jeho diela, ktoré sú vystavené v galérii sa určite oplat...
Laborartorium - Experiment Galeria
Tarča, Slovakia
Richard Ščepko
Skvelý nápad aj dobrá realizácia. Celkový čas v experimentáriu bol 40 minút. Rozhodne stojí za návštevu, ak máte deti aspoň od 2 rokov. My sme mali d...
Považská Galéria Umenia V Žiline
Lucia Tureková
Turčianska Gallery
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Martin, Slovakia
Marek Skrovina
Only here you can get carbonara pizza and its surprisingly pretty tasty. Chef is a funny guy, should be an actor. Don't forget to give some tips to th...
Tatra Gallery
Poprad, Slovakia
Marek Hrnčiarik
Very nice and modern place with fair prices. Car park available next to the building. There are 3 floors, first one is main exhibition, second is usua...
Galéria Plusmínusnula
Peter Babčaník
Jednoduchý výstavný priestor s kvalitným moderným umením.
Galéria Mesta Humenné
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Humenné, Slovakia
Regionálne Kultúrne Centrum
Prievidza, Slovakia
Lupicki Company
Gallery and place where you can find a lot of useful stuff about culture. Also nice location for photography.
Rosenfeldov Palác
Ivo Kovačka
We were excited by the exhibition is Stano Lajda: Last supper from Leonardo da Vinci. Beautiful place for the exhibition and fascinating world of Leon...
Gallery Artists Spiš
Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia
Małgorzata S.
Zaskoczyła mnie pozytywnie ta Galeria. Ciekawe pracę lokalnych artystów. Prace w większości to sztuka współczesna więc polecam tylko tym, którzy w ni...
Galéria Michalský Dvor
Staré Mesto, Slovakia
gusty kudo
Wow I just remembered that I have visited this place. It was a nice experience for me. Totally recommended.
Mestské Múzeum A Galeria Stropkov
Stropkov, Slovakia
Stanislav Rusin
okolie kastiela a kostola je tiez celkom zaujimave.
Stone Gallery Ždiar
Ždiar, Slovakia
Maria M
Wonderful hidden little gem in the middle of Zdiar, the longest village in Tatras, always attracted by tourists. The gallery has opened in summer 2019...
Slovak Union Of Visual Arts - Gallery Umelka
Pekné miesto a dobré umenie vždy poteší. Vďaka
Magis Art Gallery
Rača, Slovakia
Mgr. Mária Hausová
Pekný obchod s dobrým výberom a veľmi príjemnou majiteľkou.
Zvolen Castle
Zvolen, Slovakia
Simona Medzihradska
Nice castle but there is not much to do inside since nothing from original furnishings etc is there. There is a gallery though which is not my cup of ...
Schaubmarov Mlyn
Pezinok, Slovakia
Adam Harton
Such a lovely place! Part of Slovak National Gallery. Calm yard where u can chill and enjoy art. Twice a month there is a night summer movie screening
Galéria Miloša Alexandra Bazovského
Trenčín, Slovakia
Oliver Kozar
A city gallery with a lots of events. Creative sessions for children and also nice paintings by Miloš Alexander Bazovský:)
Galéria Čin Čin
Fritz Lang
small but lovely, well spent time
Viktoria's Gallery
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Tushar Arya
Some of the most amazing paintings and sculptures on display. It is definitely worth a visit if you are in town. The Gallery manager was really sweet...
Umelecké Kováčstvo - Ukovmi S.R.O.
Veľký Šariš-Kanaš, Slovakia
marek jačišin
Vedia robiť nádherné veci.
Pavel Radkovsky
We came to Tripland without reservation and it wasn't problem at all (still it's better to book your visit in advance via the website). We had a good ...
Atelier Xiii - Contemporary Art Gallery
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Juraj Sloboda
Tiny gallery with great contemporary local authors exhibitions. Very friendly staff.
Small Carpathian Museum
Dason Day
Even during the tough time they are open The staff member was very kind and introduced me to the museum. Definitely worse to check out the museum. The...
Lampy Coffee & Club & Culture (Kafé Lampy)
Petržalka, Slovakia
Estrella Castro
I was in this place while I took a trip around Eastern Europe. I got here completely by coincidence and I have to say I was really surprised. Beautifu...
White & Weiss Contemporary Art Gallery
Mael Tago
Very interesting exhibitions, and a beautiful and friendly gallerist!
Dot. Espresso Bar & Contemporary Art Gallery
Katia DG
I love to go to this cafeteria to have breakfast with my boyfriend. We had bread toast with tomato and avocado. And a lemonade and coffee latte. Also ...
Gaia Porporato
Super relaxing and cozy place! Not very big but perfect for a tea in the evening :) They have a \make your own combination of tea\ section and it's pe...
Banícke Múzeum V Rožňave - Galéria Baníckeho Múzea
Rožňava, Slovakia
Marcela Kováčová
Veľmi pekné exponáty
Soda Gallery
MEGA Parket
A quality gallery that I always like when I visit Bratislava. I always buy quality art here. Galerist Tomas Umrian will always advise. Good job!
Cee Photofund
marek forrai
Celkova dostupnosť siete CEE v Humennom
Dom Jana Hálu
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Važec, Slovakia
Emilia Motkova
Hudáková Beáta Mudr.
Bardejov, Slovakia
Peter pepe
Šopa Gallery Malba -16-18 Pia
Sadly no show when we went to see the place
Central Slovakia Gallery - Praetorium
Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Fero Antonius
Ego abiit ibi videre praefectus Pretorian praesidio, sed malitia erant cingaris, et non rithimorum et iucundus factus est mihi.
Novohradské Múzeum A Galéria
Lučenec, Slovakia
Stála expozícia nie je rozsiahla ale spolu s rôznymi zaujímavymi výstavami ktoré sa v týchto priestoroch konajú, poskytuje múzeum príjemné strávený č...
Akcent Gallery
Nitra, Slovakia
Dagmar Sajdáková
Majú tam krásne veci. Odporúčam
Vierik Ľubomír
Liptovská Lúžna, Slovakia
Unicon - Art - Gallery
Východoslovenská Galéria
Márk Balás
We have seen a magnificient modernist exhibition here. It was well designed, with detailed information tables available in English. No cloakroom and ...
Stredoslovenská Galéria - Stála Expozícia Dominika Skuteckého
Es Dubya
Well worth a visit if you are in town, this was the artists villa. It has some very fine artworks.
Novohradská Library
Je to tam super.
The Nitra Gallery
Branislav Stepanek
a nice local art gallery and museum, worth your visit
Dielo Plus
Beáta Furdová
Poteší oči, milý personál
Jozef Kollár Gallery
Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia
Vladimir Balaz
Nice gallery in a historical building. I liked the late Gothic paintings.
Art Diela
Pekná predajňa, teraz majú dokonca aj výstavu umenia naproti, fotka je z výstavy
Galéria Obrazov Mgallery
Marian Rusnak
Some good pieces
Dom Umenia Arteska / House Of Arts Arteska
Detva, Slovakia
Marta Galisová
Zaujímavé miesto
Refinery Gallery
Ružinov, Slovakia
Jasmin Kugler
The bastille concert was absolutely amazing! The prices weren't too unaffordable and the music was great, the atmosphere was very welcoming and fun. H...
Schemnitz Gallery
Peter Daniska
Neviem ako sa mi podarila 1 hviezda, updatujem na plny pocet. Bol som tam s detmi na aquarel workshope par rokov dozadu, perfektne tam bolo, aj detom...
Spoločnosť Božieho Slova
Anna Katarina
Je to nádherné miesto a balzam pre dušu aj telo. Vďaka Bohu že existuje.
Artattack Shop
Marija Rašković
Palfi Palace
Juraj Nemec
Best concerts, very good events
A7 Gallery
Galéria Zlatý Rám
Dunajská Streda, Slovakia
Erzsébet Molnár
Vysoko odborná práca,ochotný personál
Ilusia Zábavné Centrum
Mira Demeter
Lovely place in Liptovsky Mikulas. Must book in advance on their website - esp if it rains the slots go fast! There’s stairs to get in, you can leave ...
Gallery Gwerk
kvetinar bratislava
Galéria A Predajňa Úľuv - Tatranská Lomnica
Vysoké Tatry-Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia
Eunseo Kim
I bought really nice souvenir of Bratislava in this shop for a reasonable price Check KimnTV on YouTube for more
Calder Design Community
Kunsthalle Bratislava
Gold Hood
First off, it's free. The art (at least the exhibition when I went) is exceedingly strange, but definitely provacative and moving. I'm glad to have vi...
Jarmila Filadelfiová - Súkromná Galéria
Slovenská Ľupča, Slovakia
Monika Filipova
Krasne obrazy, keramika a sperky za super ceny. Vsetko 100% original, rucna praca.
Zoya Gallery
Peter Gerberi
One of many galleries located in the heart of the city centre of Bratislava. Btw any gallery you are going to visit in the city is very specific and o...
Vojtech Löffler Museum
OD Norwood
Went there for mandatory COVID-19 testing, I was expecting a long wait but it actually went very fast. This was the least invasive nose swab I had thu...
Galéria Jána Kulicha
Zvolenská Slatina, Slovakia
Galéria Hit
Galéria X
Galéria Médium
Rozkvet Gallery
Vajnory, Slovakia
Galéria 7
Trnava, Slovakia
llllllllllllllli rlllllllllllllll
Trochu strašidelné exponáty, ale autori vyzerajú byť normálni páči sa mi atmosféra galérie v noci, všade tma a cez presklenú vstupnú časť vidíte väč...
K.F.A Gallery
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Navruz Toshmatov
Это мой район.
Kristína Kandriková
Mestská Galéria Lipany
Lipany, Slovakia
Tomáš Polomský
Nachádzajú sa tam prekrásne obrazy ktoré si môšte zakúpiť Niekedy sa tam konajú rôzne predstavenia
Žumpa Gallery
Darte Gallery Bratislava
Peter Tham
Mala galéria v modernom 1 poschodovom domčeku ,, s pravidelnými výstavami, vernisáže a dražby , sa som bol na Jarný vyber Igor Cvacho mer.2019
Dvorana Ministerstva Kultúry Sr
Prírodná Galéria Šrot Park
Devínska Nová Ves, Slovakia
Robot Smiki
Well worth a visit. We very much enjoyed the display. The ingenuity and effort put into the sculptures is amazing. Pictures doesn't make it justice, g...
Medium Gallery
Galéria Imricha Vysočana
Slovak Press Photo
Galéria Hniezdne
Hniezdne, Slovakia
Max Galéria
Prešov-Sekčov, Slovakia
Pro Art Gallery
Vydavateľstvo Pallas
Piešťany, Slovakia
Ateliér Grafického Dizajnu