Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Faculty Hospital
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Žilina, Slovakia
Jozef F.
Regional public hospital with almost all necessary departments. Long waiting periods if you are not urgent case. Parking 2/hour.
No reviews yet.
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University Hospital
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Trenčín, Slovakia
Veronika Kerekesova
Dirty and dated.
University Hospital J.A. Reiman
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Prešov, Slovakia
Mislav Splitski
This was the worst hospital that I have ever been to. I had the misunfortune of having my then 6 month old daughter stay there for 2 nights with my wi...
University Of Žilina
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Peter Fabian
University of Žilina has one of the nicest campuses in Slovakia. Located in the Veľký diel (Large deal/part) of Žilina it hosts the 6 of the 7 univers...
Matej Bel University
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Tomas Slavik
Alma mater - nice old building, great memories from student times
Prešovská Univerzita V Prešove
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Tippnerova Henrieta
Faculty Of Health Care Disciplines Pu
Faculty Of Management - University Of Prešov
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Mikulas Kizak
Profesionalita na kazdej urovni. Maximálna spokojnosť.
Univerzitná Nemocnica Louisa Pasteura - Stredisko Rastislavova
Košice, Slovakia
The worst place ever!!! THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT PEOPLE WHATSOEVER. It seems they take pleasure in seeing people in pain. Your worst nightmare. Minus 10 ...
Univerzita Veterinárskeho Lekárstva A Farmácie V Košiciach
Romana Bielik
Fakulta Športu Prešovskej Univerzity
Neo Cambell
Niet čo dodať...
Technical University Of Kosice
Shehrad Sailaniyoda
Ignorant to students and student needs. Teachers and lectures don’t answer student emails or questions. The Dean himself is an invisible figure as he ...
Faculty Of Arts
Staré Mesto, Slovakia
Fakultná Nemocnica Nitra
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Nitra, Slovakia
John L
Letecké Výcvikové A Vzdelávacie Centrum - Žilinská Univerzita V Žiline
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Dolný Hričov, Slovakia
Ekonomická Fakulta Univerzity Mateja Bela V Banskej Bystrici
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Graf Adil
the best place to study!
Academy Of Arts In Banská Bystrica
MS VLibrary
TOP akademia, moje najlepsie stravene studentske roky :) suprovi pedagogovia
Pedagogická Fakulta Univerzity Mateja Bela V Banskej Bystrici
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Štefan Jakab
Toto miesto,budovy a ostatné zariadenia patrili VG SNP niekoľko desaťročí. Je hanbou štátu,mesta a všetkých,ktorí sú absolventmi, že dodnes nie je na...
Filozofická Fakulta Univerzity Mateja Bela
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Mi Kieretin
Tak tady se trochu zastavil čas. Zvenku občas padá mramor, ale uvnitř se nic nezměnilo od 80.let. Budova volá po celkové rekonstrukci.
Department Of Communications
llllllllllllllli rlllllllllllllll
Faculty Of Management Science And Informatics
Certainly great place to study as long as you want to progress in life and meet other amazing people as well. What i liked and trully enjoyed about th...
Faculty Of Matej Bel University
michal murgaš
Novsie pedagogicke pristupy sa velmi zidu
Faculty Of Security Engineering
Miloslav Ofúkaný
Malé parkovisko
Univerzitná Knižnica Technickej Univerzity V Košiciach
Kwadro Channel
Very good)
Stredoeurópska Vysoká Škola
Trustfeed Score 2.5
Skalica, Slovakia
F. D. Roosevelt University Hospital In Banská Bystrica
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Maya Keast
My mum gave birth to me here two weeks ago lol mistake
Louis Pasteur University Hospital Kosice - Class Snp Emergency Department
Trustfeed Score 2.6
Košice - mestská časť Západ, Slovakia
The doctors are very nice. It is the front people that suck. Rude, unfriendly, visibly, and proudly displaying, bothered by your presence. You come fo...
Jessenius Faculty Of Medicine
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Martin-Záturčie-Záturčie, Slovakia
Mohammed Alowesie
University Of Security Management In Košice
Faculty Of Civil Engineering Tuke
Ossian Veronese
Inspiring tech startups!
Faculty Of Political Science And International Relations, Matej Bel University
Alex Alex
Très beau bâtiment et beaucoup de bons souvenirs !
Faculty Of Economics Tuke
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Martin Čajka
Super škola, super mesto, super zážitky
Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering Tuke
Sever, Slovakia
The best faculty of mechanical engineering in Slovakia :-)
Образование В Словакии - Allinc.Education
Гулназ Сагынтай
Я буду учиться.я приеду через 2 месяца
Fakulta Špeciálnej Techniky -Trenčianska Univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka V Trenčíne
Trenčín-Záblatie, Slovakia
Milena .Kusnierova
The University is in quiet area with a good connection to Trencin by bus. The accommodation for students is next door. Nice and modern school.
Prírodovedecká Fakulta Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika V Košiciach
Erik Berta
Budova je stale v rekonstrukcii, no jej personal je stale mily a rad pomoze
Letecká Fakulta Technickej Univerzity V Košiciach
Košice - Džungľa-Džungľa, Slovakia
Univerzita Komenského Jeseniova Lekárska Fakulta
Martin, Slovakia
Alexander Dubcek University In Trencin
Nice friendly place with all the facilities for students.
Technická Univerzita V Košiciach
Univerzitný Vedecký Park Technicom
Miroslav Janák
Nové, moderné, krásne. Platí pre budovu, projekty aj zamestnancov v nej. Miesto, kde sa veda a technika preberá k skutočnému životu medzi ľudmi ;)
Právnická Fakulta Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika V Košiciach
Навчання проводиться за трьома освітніми рівнями: бакалаврська і магістерська навчальні програми за спеціальністю «право» та навчання в аспірантурі з...
Vysoká Škola Manažmentu A City University Of Seattle
Fakulta Výrobných Technológií Tuke
mr robot
The best
Health Center Of Ministry Of Defense
Sliač - Hájniky, Slovakia
Šimon Truszka
Covid Antigen test
Katedra Dizajnu Nábytku A Interiéru, Tu Zvolen
Zvolen, Slovakia
Constantine The Philosopher University
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Nitra-Chrenová, Slovakia
Gábor Pintes
Simply the Best
Rektorát Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika V Košiciach
Olexa Jan
Historické centrum univerzity v Košiciach, s špičkovými univerzitným vedeckými vyskumnými laboratoriami.
Fakulta Priemyselných Technológii
Púchov-Horné Kočkovce, Slovakia
Slovak University Of Agriculture
Оксана Петруша
Good university for agricultural and food program
Filozofická Fakulta Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika V Košiciach, Budova Sokrates
University Hospital Trnava
Trustfeed Score 3.2
Trnava, Slovakia
Barbara Barros
Overall I must commend all the departments of Trnava Neurological Department, from consultation to hospitalization stages. The team of neurologists a...
Pravoslávny Kňazsky Seminár
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Romul Sheridan
Duchovný život v 1998 - 2003 rokoch.
Fakulty Of Social Studies And Healthcare
University Hospital Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
Sankalp Tiwari
Shwetabh Brother's wife works here, that's why 5 stars
Hospital Bratislava Ružinov
Trustfeed Score 2.9
Direncan Uğurlu
Doctors are great here yet the rest of the personel speak zero English. Also the only thing written in English in the whole hospital is Cash Desk.
The Slovak Medical University In Bratislava
Mascha Swift
Most student unfriendly university. I am so happy that I transferred to another university. The situation there is an absolute mess. The study departm...
Faculty Of Medicine (University Of Comenius)
finančný špecialista
Priestory fakulty nezodpovedajú európskym štandardom, všetko je relatívne staré, dobové, ale čo sa týka kvality absolventov tejto fakulty, určite si ...
Palace Of The Royal Hungarian Diet
Gargio 76
Palazzo storico di grande importanza, proprio nel cuore del centro storico della città vecchia di Bratislava. Oggi ospita la biblioteca universitaria...
The University Library In Bratislava
Matej Uhlik
Very nice place to sit and study. There are many books to read and even old newspaper. People come here even tk relax, because there are strict rules ...
Bratislava International School Of Liberal Arts
St. Elizabeth College Of Health And Social Work
Alma Mater v príjemnej historickej budove. Niektoré priestory troška stiesnene a tmavé...
Univerzita Komenského
Sam Tambago
The largest university in Slovakia with over 30K students and 2K faculty members.
Faculty Of Education Of The Comenius University In Bratislava
Nové Mesto, Slovakia
Faculty Of Pharmacy Of The Comenius University In Bratislava
Jaroslav Dolnák
Na peknom novom námestí Fakulta managementu a Farmaceuticka fakulta UK hneď vedľa Zimného štadióna a Letného kúpaliska Tehelné pole a rýchleho pultov...
Filozofická Fakulta
Radoslav Stevcik
Hlavná budova Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave. Nachádza sa tu dekanát fakulty a väčšina jej katedier. Ďalšie budovy Filozofic...
Academy Of The Police Force In Bratislava
Rača, Slovakia
jeroen de vries
Faculty Of Chemical And Food Technology
Yen-Ting Lin
ICCBIC Conference Coach waiting point
University Of Economics In Bratislava
Petržalka, Slovakia
Juraj Stolárik
Currently studying here. Location is quite good, shops and bus stop are close by, but it is quite far from the city center (which is good, because the...
Katedra Politológie
College Of Economics And Management In Public Administration
Money conversations, obligations, now I got more experiences a better knowledge and I ain't talking about bullshieeet! :)
Doc. Ing. Alojz Kopáčik, Csc.
Language Centre At Sut
Katedra Germanistiky, Nederlandistiky A Škandinavistiky
Univerzitná Nemocnica Bratislava
Trustfeed Score 2.7
Comenius University Science Park
Karlova Ves, Slovakia
Vladimir Balaz
Very nice modern building located in great place. You can meet smart people with great ideas here
Trnavská Univerzita V Trnave
Istiqomah 21
I love Trnava University, although I was studying Early Childhood education there only for 3 months but I could say that it was AMAZING! Beautiful his...
Faculty Of Mechanical Engineering Of Stu
Marián Urva
Faculty Of Civil Engineering Stu
Miguel Machado
It's a faculty. The build is old and not well preserved.
Institute Of Computer Technology
Miro Uhlar
Šikovný IT staff
Fakulta Ekológie A Environmentalistiky, Technická Univerzita Vo Zvolene
Nemocnica S Poliklinikou Skalica
Marcela Havierniková
Vyslovujem veľké ĎAKUJEM sestričke , ktorá mi robila EMG vyšetrenie,za jej profesionálne,empaticke správanie,ochotu vybaviť, vysvetliť a pomôcť mi,je...
Zš A Mš Vaďovce
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Vaďovce, Slovakia
Christián Bača
Na malu obec mala škola.
Faculty Of Horticulture And Landscape Engineering
Vladimir Kollár
Chodím okolo nej každý týždeň Páči sa mi veľmi
Fakulta Techniky Technickej Univerzity Vo Zvolene
Slovak Agricultural Library
Ukf's University Library
Nitra-Zobor, Slovakia
Matus Demko
Krasny priestor, vyborna atmosfera, prijemni pracovnici kniznice. Uzasna stavba, tak nech jej nechyba aj duch. Prajem to.
Filozofická Fakulta Upjš
University Of The Third Age At Sut
Faculty Of Management Of The Comenius University In Bratislava
Štefan Barkol
It is a cathedral for young people to develop theor skills as they want to! Top class school.
Katedra Integrovanej Ochrany Lesa A Krajiny Lesnícka Fakulta, Tu Vo Zvolene
Slovenská Spoločnosť Aktuárov
Vrakuňa, Slovakia
Faculty Of Health And Social Work
Ludvik Lunak
OK škola
University Of St. Cyril And Methodius In Trnava
Patrik Bracho
Idem tam študovať, tak hádam je všetko OK
Faculty Of Education, Trnava University In Trnava
juraj hladký
Podla nezavislych ratingov odborne najlepsia pedagogicka fakulta na SK ;-)
Filozofická Fakulta Trnavskej Univerzity V Trnave
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Roland Kliment
Nekvalitné a zbytočné klasické jazyky.Pozor na lezbu Sipeki...